(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) (*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) (* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) (* CreatedBy='Mathematica 12.3' *) (*CacheID: 234*) (* Internal cache information: NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookFileLineBreakTest NotebookDataPosition[ 158, 7] NotebookDataLength[ 85341, 1946] NotebookOptionsPosition[ 82602, 1901] NotebookOutlinePosition[ 83115, 1919] CellTagsIndexPosition[ 83072, 1916] WindowFrame->Normal*) (* Beginning of Notebook Content *) Notebook[{ Cell["\<\ Below is a program that will provide you with a practically infinite number \ of two player games. To start, click the new game button below. This will \ give you a new two-by-two game with each of the players payoffs.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.860779945757202*^9, 3.860779952048974*^9}, { 3.860857938431807*^9, 3.8608581273298817`*^9}, {3.860858239043768*^9, 3.860858260806507*^9}, {3.861208134915016*^9, 3.86120813707355*^9}, { 3.861208645431261*^9, 3.861208675039378*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"7ed42039-ebdf-4438-9049-\ 8dd853825873"], Cell["\<\ Using this program you will be able to test your understanding of the \ following topics:\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.861208143208218*^9, 3.8612081663515577`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"b869832a-0491-4b60-9d8a-\ 0876df075242"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Simultaneous Games", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.861208177720579*^9, 3.861208189194998*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"252779bd-877c-4ade-9e41-\ ee380484f1e8"], Cell["Best responses for each player", "Subitem", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.861208205552661*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"5d0bc532-0189-41f4-9e6e-\ e3bb64820ce1"], Cell["Finding dominant strategies", "Subitem", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.8612082139071712`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"f699ae81-9510-49ef-979d-\ 61d1d123310e"], Cell["Finding pure strategy Nash Equilibria", "Subitem", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.8612082472847967`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e4b3d033-c1e7-4372-97f7-\ 9a0423b0f765"], Cell["Find mixed strategy Nash Equilibria", "Subitem", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.861208249288446*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"e9528e19-78bb-4a1c-9cda-\ 6b263099a417"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Sequential Games (assume player A is the leader)", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.8612082624570704`*^9}, { 3.861208658419821*^9, 3.861208663730352*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"6c84878e-2505-4732-b854-\ d93c9d95ac9e"], Cell["Drawing the extensive form", "Subitem", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.86120828179074*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"23e52312-b314-4412-b340-\ 36805596445f"], Cell["Finding the Nash equilibria", "Subitem", CellChangeTimes->{{3.8612081947295847`*^9, 3.861208303500783*^9}, { 3.8612086223328943`*^9, 3.861208627072969*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"38def407-e188-4915-956a-\ f59e7a3e1cb0"] }, Open ]], Cell["For the mixed strategy game:", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.861208638608382*^9},ExpressionUUID->"04a15a53-9cf0-4e44-b24c-\ 6c9d741d0252"], Cell["Let p be the probability that player A plays top.", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.86085813769737*^9, 3.860858140086763*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"ad2f0c86-0486-4661-bd4b-\ 4ed66d9e8723"], Cell["Let q be the probability that player B plays left.", "Item", CellChangeTimes->{{3.86085813769737*^9, 3.8608581395995483`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"3092af7c-e02f-451c-a816-\ 90065ffd6ed4"], Cell["\<\ Once you finish solving for each of these outcomes, click the box next to \ them to see the correct answer. Once you finish the problem and check your \ work, click new game and you can start a new problem.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.8612086660272713`*^9},ExpressionUUID->"31587655-11f6-42a1-9245-\ bb9936019d4c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Manipulate", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Module", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ "ADTL", ",", "ADTR", ",", "AD", ",", "BDTL", ",", "BDBL", ",", "BD", ",", "NETL", ",", "NETR", ",", "NEBL", ",", "NEBR", ",", "NE", ",", "AEF", ",", "BEF", ",", "qO", ",", "pO", ",", "AMS", ",", "BMS"}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ADTL", "=", RowBox[{"If", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ATL", ">=", "ABL"}], ",", "1", ",", "0"}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"ADTR", "=", RowBox[{"If", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ATR", ">=", "ABR"}], ",", "1", ",", "0"}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{"AD", "=", RowBox[{"If", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ADTL", "==", "1"}], "&&", RowBox[{"ADTR", "==", "1"}]}], ",", 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Hold[$CellContext`DS$$], 0, "Dominant Strategies"}, {0, 1}}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`NEI$$], 0, "Nash Equilibria"}, {0, 1}}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`MS$$], 0, "Mixed Strategy"}, {0, 1}}, {{ Hold[$CellContext`EF$$], 0, "Extensive Form"}, {0, 1}}}, Typeset`size$$ = {1095., {418.634033203125, 424.365966796875}}, Typeset`update$$ = 0, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$ = True}, DynamicBox[Manipulate`ManipulateBoxes[ 1, StandardForm, "Variables" :> {$CellContext`BR$$ = 0, $CellContext`DS$$ = 0, $CellContext`EF$$ = 0, $CellContext`MS$$ = 0, $CellContext`NEI$$ = 0}, "ControllerVariables" :> {}, "OtherVariables" :> { Typeset`show$$, Typeset`bookmarkList$$, Typeset`bookmarkMode$$, Typeset`animator$$, Typeset`animvar$$, Typeset`name$$, Typeset`specs$$, Typeset`size$$, Typeset`update$$, Typeset`initDone$$, Typeset`skipInitDone$$}, "Body" :> Module[{$CellContext`ADTL$, $CellContext`ADTR$, $CellContext`AD$, \ $CellContext`BDTL$, $CellContext`BDBL$, $CellContext`BD$, $CellContext`NETL$, \ 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And[$CellContext`ADTL$ == 1, $CellContext`BDTL$ == 1], 1, 0]; $CellContext`NETR$ = If[ And[$CellContext`ADTR$ == 1, Or[$CellContext`BDTL$ == 0, $CellContext`BTL == $CellContext`BTR]], 1, 0]; $CellContext`NEBL$ = If[ And[ Or[$CellContext`ADTL$ == 0, $CellContext`ATL == $CellContext`ABL], $CellContext`BDBL$ == 1], 1, 0]; $CellContext`NEBR$ = If[ And[ Or[$CellContext`ADTR$ == 0, $CellContext`ATR == $CellContext`ABR], Or[$CellContext`BDBL$ == 0, $CellContext`BBL == $CellContext`BBR]], 1, 0]; $CellContext`AEF$ = If[$CellContext`ATL $CellContext`BDTL$ + $CellContext`ATR ( 1 - $CellContext`BDTL$) >= $CellContext`ABL $CellContext`BDBL$ + \ $CellContext`ABR (1 - $CellContext`BDBL$), "Top", "Bottom"]; $CellContext`BEF$ = If[$CellContext`AEF$ == "Top", $CellContext`BDTL$ "Left" + (1 - $CellContext`BDTL$) "Right", $CellContext`BDBL$ "Left" + (1 - $CellContext`BDBL$) "Right"]; $CellContext`qO$ = If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Left", 1, If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Right", 0, N[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`q, Last[ Solve[$CellContext`ATL $CellContext`q + $CellContext`ATR ( 1 - $CellContext`q) == $CellContext`ABL $CellContext`q + \ $CellContext`ABR (1 - $CellContext`q), $CellContext`q]]]]]]; $CellContext`pO$ = If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Top", 1, If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Bottom", 0, N[ ReplaceAll[$CellContext`p, Last[ Solve[$CellContext`BTL $CellContext`p + $CellContext`BBL ( 1 - $CellContext`p) == $CellContext`BTR $CellContext`p + \ $CellContext`BBR ( 1 - $CellContext`p), $CellContext`p]]]]]]; \ $CellContext`AMS$ = If[$CellContext`ATL (1.01 $CellContext`qO$) + $CellContext`ATR (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`qO$) > ($CellContext`ABL 1.01) $CellContext`qO$ + $CellContext`ABR (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`qO$), 1, 0]; $CellContext`BMS$ = If[$CellContext`BTL (1.01 $CellContext`pO$) + $CellContext`BBL (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`pO$) > ($CellContext`BTR 1.01) $CellContext`pO$ + $CellContext`BBR (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`pO$), 1, 0]; $CellContext`NE$ = DeleteCases[ If[ And[$CellContext`AD$ == "None", $CellContext`BD$ == "None"], {$CellContext`NETL$ { "Top", "Left"}, $CellContext`NETR$ { "Top", "Right"}, $CellContext`NEBL$ { "Bottom", "Left"}, $CellContext`NEBR$ {"Bottom", "Right"}}, If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Top", {$CellContext`NETL$ {"Top", "Left"}, $CellContext`NETR$ { "Top", "Right"}}, If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Bottom", {$CellContext`NEBL$ { "Bottom", "Left"}, $CellContext`NEBR$ {"Bottom", "Right"}}, If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Left", {$CellContext`NETL$ { "Top", "Left"}, $CellContext`NEBL$ {"Bottom", "Left"}}, If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Right", {$CellContext`NETR$ { "Top", "Right"}, $CellContext`NEBR$ { "Bottom", "Right"}}]]]]], {0, 0}]; Grid[{{ Style["Simultaneous Game: Pure Strategy", Bold, Large], SpanFromLeft}, { Grid[{{"", "", Style["Player B", ColorData[97][1]], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft}, { "", "", "Left", SpanFromLeft, "Right", SpanFromLeft}, { Style["Player A", ColorData[97][2]], "Top", Style[$CellContext`ATL, ColorData[97][2], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, $CellContext`ADTL$ == 1], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][2]]], Style[$CellContext`BTL, ColorData[97][1], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, $CellContext`BDTL$ == 1], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][1]]], Style[$CellContext`ATR, ColorData[97][2], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, $CellContext`ADTR$ == 1], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][2]]], Style[$CellContext`BTR, ColorData[97][1], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, Or[$CellContext`BDTL$ == 0, $CellContext`BTL == $CellContext`BTR]], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][1]]]}, {SpanFromAbove, "Bottom", Style[$CellContext`ABL, ColorData[97][2], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, Or[$CellContext`ADTL$ == 0, $CellContext`ATL == $CellContext`ABL]], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][2]]], Style[$CellContext`BBL, ColorData[97][1], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, $CellContext`BDBL$ == 1], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][1]]], Style[$CellContext`ABR, ColorData[97][2], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, Or[$CellContext`ADTR$ == 0, $CellContext`ATR == $CellContext`ABR]], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][2]]], Style[$CellContext`BBR, ColorData[97][1], If[ And[$CellContext`BR$$ == 1, Or[$CellContext`BDBL$ == 0, $CellContext`BBL == $CellContext`BBR]], { Underlined, Bold}, ColorData[97][1]]]}}, Frame -> { None, None, {{{3, 3}, {3, 4}} -> Thick, {{4, 4}, {3, 4}} -> Thick, {{3, 3}, {5, 6}} -> Thick, {{4, 4}, {5, 6}} -> Thick}}, Spacings -> {1, 1}], Grid[{{ Style["Dominant Strategies:", Bold, Medium], Style["Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria:", Bold, Medium]}, { If[$CellContext`DS$$ == 1, TextGrid[{{"Player A:", $CellContext`AD$}, { "Player B:", $CellContext`BD$}}], ""], If[$CellContext`NEI$$ == 1, $CellContext`NE$, ""]}}, Frame -> { None, None, {{{1, 2}, {1, 1}} -> True, {{1, 2}, {2, 2}} -> True}}]}, {}, {}, { Style["Simultaneous Game: Mixed Strategy", Bold, Large], SpanFromLeft}, If[$CellContext`MS$$ == 1, If[ Or[$CellContext`AD$ == "Top", $CellContext`AD$ == "Bottom"], { TextGrid[{{((( "Because player A has a dominant strategy, they will play \ " <> $CellContext`AD$) <> " with certainty (p=") <> ToString[ If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Top", 1, 0]]) <> ")."}, {((("This implies that player B will play " <> If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Top", $CellContext`BDTL$ "Left" + (1 - $CellContext`BDTL$) "Right", $CellContext`BDBL$ "Left" + (1 - $CellContext`BDBL$) "Right"]) <> " with certainty (q=") <> ToString[ If[$CellContext`AD$ == "Top", $CellContext`BDTL$ 1 + (1 - $CellContext`BDTL$) 0, $CellContext`BDBL$ 1 + (1 - $CellContext`BDBL$) 0]]) <> ")"}}]}, If[ Or[$CellContext`BD$ == "Left", $CellContext`BD$ == "Right"], { TextGrid[{{((( "Because player B has a dominant strategy, they will play \ " <> $CellContext`BD$) <> " with certainty (q=") <> ToString[ If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Left", 1, 0]]) <> ")."}, {((("This implies that player A will play " <> If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Left", $CellContext`ADTL$ "Top" + (1 - $CellContext`ADTL$) "Bottom", $CellContext`ADTR$ "Top" + (1 - $CellContext`ADTR$) "Bottom"]) <> " with certainty (p=") <> ToString[ If[$CellContext`BD$ == "Left", $CellContext`ADTL$ 1 + (1 - $CellContext`ADTL$) 0, $CellContext`ADTR$ 1 + (1 - $CellContext`ADTR$) 0]]) <> ")"}}]}, { TextGrid[{{ "Player A's expected pay-off from playing top:", \ $CellContext`ATL $CellContext`q + $CellContext`ATR (1 - $CellContext`q)}, { "Player A's expected pay-off from playing bottom:", \ $CellContext`ABL $CellContext`q + $CellContext`ABR (1 - $CellContext`q)}, { "Player A must be indifferent between playing top and \ bottom:", $CellContext`ATL $CellContext`q + $CellContext`ATR ( 1 - $CellContext`q) == $CellContext`ABL $CellContext`q + \ $CellContext`ABR (1 - $CellContext`q)}, { "Therefore the optimal q for player B to choose is:", "q'=" <> ToString[$CellContext`qO$]}, { If[$CellContext`ATL ( 1.01 $CellContext`qO$) + $CellContext`ATR (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`qO$) > ($CellContext`ABL 1.01) $CellContext`qO$ + $CellContext`ABR (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`qO$), "If q>q', player A should always choose top because it \ yields a higher payoff", "If q>q', player A should always choose bottom because it \ yields a higher payoff"], SpanFromLeft}}], TextGrid[{{ "Player B's expected pay-off from playing left:", \ $CellContext`BTL $CellContext`p + $CellContext`BBL (1 - $CellContext`p)}, { "Player B's expected pay-off from playing right:", \ $CellContext`BTR $CellContext`p + $CellContext`BBR (1 - $CellContext`p)}, { "Player B must be indifferent between playing left and \ right:", $CellContext`BTL $CellContext`p + $CellContext`BBL ( 1 - $CellContext`p) == $CellContext`BTR $CellContext`p + \ $CellContext`BBR (1 - $CellContext`p)}, { "Therefore the optimal p for player A to choose is:", "p'=" <> ToString[$CellContext`pO$]}, { If[$CellContext`BTL ( 1.01 $CellContext`pO$) + $CellContext`BBL (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`pO$) > ($CellContext`BTR 1.01) $CellContext`pO$ + $CellContext`BBR (1 - 1.01 $CellContext`pO$), "If p>p', player B should always choose left because it \ yields a higher payoff", "If p>p', player B should always choose right because it \ yields a higher payoff"], SpanFromLeft}}]}]], {}], If[ And[$CellContext`MS$$ == 1, $CellContext`AD$ == "None", $CellContext`BD$ == "None"], { Show[{ Plot[-1, {$CellContext`x, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> {{-0.025, 1.1}, {-0.025, 1.1}}, AxesLabel -> {"p", "q"}], Graphics[{ ColorData[97][2], Thick, Line[{{0, $CellContext`qO$}, {1, $CellContext`qO$}}], Line[{{$CellContext`AMS$, $CellContext`qO$}, \ {$CellContext`AMS$, 1}}], Line[{{1 - $CellContext`AMS$, $CellContext`qO$}, { 1 - $CellContext`AMS$, 0}}], ColorData[97][1], Dashed, Line[{{$CellContext`pO$, 0}, {$CellContext`pO$, 1}}], Line[{{$CellContext`pO$, $CellContext`BMS$}, { 1, $CellContext`BMS$}}], Line[{{0, 1 - $CellContext`BMS$}, {$CellContext`pO$, 1 - $CellContext`BMS$}}]}]}, ImageSize -> Medium], SpanFromLeft}, {}], {}, {}, { Style["Sequential Game: Player A is Leader", Bold, Large], SpanFromLeft}, { If[$CellContext`EF$$ == 1, TreeGraph[{ Labeled[1, Placed[ Style["Player A", ColorData[97][2]], Above]], Labeled[2, Placed[ Style["Player B", ColorData[97][1]], Before]], Labeled[3, Placed[ Style["Player B", ColorData[97][1]], After]], Labeled[5, Placed[ Style[{ Style[$CellContext`ATL, ColorData[97][2]], Style[$CellContext`BTL, ColorData[97][1]]}, Bold, Medium], Below]], Labeled[4, Placed[ Style[{ Style[$CellContext`ATR, ColorData[97][2]], Style[$CellContext`BTR, ColorData[97][1]]}, Bold, Medium], Below]], Labeled[6, Placed[ Style[{ Style[$CellContext`ABL, ColorData[97][2]], Style[$CellContext`BBL, ColorData[97][1]]}, Bold, Medium], Below]], Labeled[7, Placed[ Style[{ Style[$CellContext`ABR, ColorData[97][2]], Style[$CellContext`BBR, ColorData[97][1]]}, Bold, Medium], Below]]}, { Labeled[ DirectedEdge[1, 2], Style["Top", Bold, Medium]], Labeled[ DirectedEdge[1, 3], Style["Bottom", Bold, Medium]], Labeled[ DirectedEdge[2, 4], Style["Right", Bold, Medium]], Labeled[ DirectedEdge[2, 5], Style["Left", Bold, Medium]], Labeled[ DirectedEdge[3, 6], Style["Left", Bold, Medium]], Labeled[ DirectedEdge[3, 7], Style["Right", Bold, Medium]]}, ImageSize -> Medium], ""], If[$CellContext`EF$$ == 1, TextGrid[{{ Style[ "Nash Equilibrium:", Bold, Medium], $CellContext`AEF$, $CellContext`BEF$}}]]}}]], "Specifications" :> { Button[ "New Game", {$CellContext`ATL = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`ATR = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`ABL = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`ABR = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`BTL = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`BTR = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`BBL = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`BBR = RandomInteger[{-20, 20}], $CellContext`BR$$ = 0, $CellContext`DS$$ = 0, $CellContext`NEI$$ = 0, $CellContext`MS$$ = 0, $CellContext`EF$$ = 0}], Delimiter, Style[ "Answers", Bold], {{$CellContext`BR$$, 0, "Best Response"}, {0, 1}}, {{$CellContext`DS$$, 0, "Dominant Strategies"}, {0, 1}}, {{$CellContext`NEI$$, 0, "Nash Equilibria"}, {0, 1}}, {{$CellContext`MS$$, 0, "Mixed Strategy"}, {0, 1}}, {{$CellContext`EF$$, 0, "Extensive Form"}, 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"reps", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", RowBox[{\\\"Last\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\ \"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}], \\\"}\\\"}]\\) is neither a list of \ replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for \ replacing.\"", 2, 47, 2, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.9010264299794703`*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"d3ce7607-35bc-4449-8cb4-6a8875eb5f12"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "Last", "nolast", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}]\\) has zero length and no last \ element.\"", 2, 47, 3, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.9010264375308447`*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"2be6b452-81ab-4d37-a8ac-b7664afb1002"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "ReplaceAll", "reps", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", RowBox[{\\\"Last\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\ \"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}], \\\"}\\\"}]\\) is neither a list of \ replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for \ replacing.\"", 2, 47, 4, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.901026437535049*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"80afb242-c541-4526-a605-37b81c8603d5"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "Last", "nolast", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}]\\) has zero length and no last \ element.\"", 2, 47, 5, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.901026442936681*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"f33cb735-035a-4d79-8d75-66f895785f41"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "ReplaceAll", "reps", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", RowBox[{\\\"Last\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\ \"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}], \\\"}\\\"}]\\) is neither a list of \ replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for \ replacing.\"", 2, 47, 6, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.90102644294026*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"6eb02e6e-09a7-4c46-8fa1-744d060375af"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "Last", "nolast", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}]\\) has zero length and no last \ element.\"", 2, 47, 7, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.9010264435615063`*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"413f959d-0d36-4a60-bf8b-88c6b6959000"], Cell[BoxData[ TemplateBox[{ "ReplaceAll", "reps", "\"\\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"{\\\", RowBox[{\\\"Last\\\", \\\"[\\\", RowBox[{\\\ \"{\\\", \\\"}\\\"}], \\\"]\\\"}], \\\"}\\\"}]\\) is neither a list of \ replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for \ replacing.\"", 2, 47, 8, 22472632992619628208, "Local"}, "MessageTemplate"]], "Message", "MSG", CellChangeTimes->{3.9010264435648537`*^9}, CellLabel->"",ExpressionUUID->"78b32808-172e-4d35-8964-9ccc635ed7b4"] }, {2}]] }, WindowSize->{2144, 2009}, WindowMargins->{{9, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, 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"Subitem",ExpressionUUID->"e4b3d033-c1e7-4372-97f7-9a0423b0f765"], Cell[2100, 62, 182, 3, 27, "Subitem",ExpressionUUID->"e9528e19-78bb-4a1c-9cda-6b263099a417"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2319, 70, 243, 4, 32, "Item",ExpressionUUID->"6c84878e-2505-4732-b854-d93c9d95ac9e"], Cell[2565, 76, 172, 3, 27, "Subitem",ExpressionUUID->"23e52312-b314-4412-b340-36805596445f"], Cell[2740, 81, 225, 4, 27, "Subitem",ExpressionUUID->"38def407-e188-4915-956a-f59e7a3e1cb0"] }, Open ]], Cell[2980, 88, 146, 3, 35, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"04a15a53-9cf0-4e44-b24c-6c9d741d0252"], Cell[3129, 93, 190, 3, 32, "Item",ExpressionUUID->"ad2f0c86-0486-4661-bd4b-4ed66d9e8723"], Cell[3322, 98, 193, 3, 32, "Item",ExpressionUUID->"3092af7c-e02f-451c-a816-90065ffd6ed4"], Cell[3518, 103, 334, 7, 35, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"31587655-11f6-42a1-9245-bb9936019d4c"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[3877, 114, 52536, 1229, 1875, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ef007b6c-8028-4ae9-aaf0-4f394913d86b"], Cell[56416, 1345, 22835, 473, 1094, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f11169dd-27c6-4dfe-958e-76eb6f0492f5"], Cell[79254, 1820, 336, 7, 27, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6314d182-abca-4a37-8455-c46ed9e1c6ea"], Cell[79593, 1829, 492, 9, 27, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"d3ce7607-35bc-4449-8cb4-6a8875eb5f12"], Cell[80088, 1840, 339, 7, 35, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"2be6b452-81ab-4d37-a8ac-b7664afb1002"], Cell[80430, 1849, 490, 9, 35, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"80afb242-c541-4526-a605-37b81c8603d5"], Cell[80923, 1860, 337, 7, 35, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"f33cb735-035a-4d79-8d75-66f895785f41"], Cell[81263, 1869, 489, 9, 35, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6eb02e6e-09a7-4c46-8fa1-744d060375af"], Cell[81755, 1880, 339, 7, 35, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"413f959d-0d36-4a60-bf8b-88c6b6959000"], Cell[82097, 1889, 492, 9, 35, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"78b32808-172e-4d35-8964-9ccc635ed7b4"] }, {2}]] } ] *)